Online seminars on 25th and 26th of June

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The Serviceteam RDM@KIT is offering two online seminars:

Tuesday, 25th of June 2024 from 11 am to 12 pm
A dive into FAIR research data practice – following good scientific practice with the help of FAIR Data 
This online seminar is an introduction to research data management and shows how FAIR principles can be implemented in everyday research through personal data management.

Register here.


Wednesday, 26th of June from 11 am to 12 pm
Create data management plans (DMPs) quickly and easily
More and more research funders call for a data management plan (DMP). Yet the benefits of such a plan do not end with the application. A DMP is essential for data management that ensures the discoverability, accessibility, interoperability as well as reusability of research data. That said how do you create a data management plan with manageable effort?

Register here.


We are looking forward to your participation!
Here you will find an overview of our events on the topic of research data management.



